Instructional Technology

The Model Schools Program offers comprehensive support to assist districts in effectively integrating technology into instruction. Model Schools Coordinators assist districts in their efforts to use technology as a tool to improve student learning and achievement. Through the Model Schools Program, administrators and teachers can participate in regional workshops, webinars and online workshops. Model Schools Coordinators also design and implement in-district training customized to the district’s individual technology and instructional initiatives. In addition to face-to-face support, Model Schools offers virtual assistance, providing just-in-time live chat and screen sharing support. Assistance with technology planning is also provided. 


Instructional Technology Integration Specialists

 Group of teachers doing Breakout EDU


Brittany Gaffney
Brittany Gaffney
Instructional Services Leader 
[email protected]

Jenny Waligory Lee
Jennifer Waligory-Lee
Coordinator of Virtual Learning
[email protected]